Thursday, August 30, 2018

New launch πŸ˜ πŸ’« πŸ‘€ πŸ‘Œ

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Hello friends and fans,
Greetings from the almighty Dosco Jones.
Probably the most comfortable underwear in the world.
We're here to let you know about a few interesting developments about us. We'll keep it short as we're sure you have lots of other manly stuff to do.
Here's all the juice, and nothing but the juice:
  • Our number of followers on Facebook and Instagram is now well over 1000 (please clap)
  • Chalk has been introduced as one of the essential Dosco Jones underwear colours (Chalk means white, dude) (please clap if you like chalk, or white)
  • Design updates have been made to other essential colour, Noir (Dude, Noir in French means black) (clap for Noir)
  • Upcoming new colour collections for Fall / Winter (limited editions) are on pre-order but orders are flying so make sure you get your pre-order in, that is if you want one of the limited editions (did I say they were limited editions?)
  • A couple of raging fans have also put their money where their mouth is and will be investing in Dosco Jones, which will help turn some of our plans into reality
Chalk has been introduced as one of the essential Dosco Jones underwear colours (Chalk means white, dude) (please clap if you like chalk, or white).
Buy Chalk / White
Design updates have been made to other essential colour, Noir (Dude, Noir in French means black) (clap for Noir)
Buy Noir / Black
Let us know if you would like to receive regular updates about what's going on at Dosco Jones (we thought about trying to make this a regular update from us but let's see what your feedback is before we decide).
Copyright © 2018 Dosco Jones, All rights reserved.
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Dosco Jones
Avenida da Republica, 167, 10 esquerdo
Matosinhos 4450-227

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